I even took something. If you know me well, you know I hate taking medicine! I can work through basic aches and pains. This, however, is awful, and I broke down and took an allergy pill last night.
Nutritionally, I'm avoiding dairy so that my sinuses don't swell up any more than they already are. I've eaten a Minneola for snack, and now this miso soup for lunch. The soup is warm and is helping ease my sinus troubles a little. Here is the recipe, in case the pollen has you down, too!
Dr. Miso Soup
By Miss Fit
1 c chicken or veggie broth
1 tsp chickpea miso paste
1/4 c chick peas, drained
Handful of chopped greens (I used collards)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Heat the broth and miso paste in the microwave for one minute. Stir to break up the miso paste. Add chick peas, greens, salt, and pepper. Return to the microwave for 30 seconds or until greens have softened to your liking.
Optional Ingredients: Red Pepper Flakes, 2 Tbsp chopped Parsley, and/or 1/4 c Shredded Chicken
Enjoy feeling your sinuses open up, if even for just a few minutes!