Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Easy Homemade Peanut Butter

I'm beyond thankful we have no allergies in my house. While we do avoid gluten for the most part, no one is actually allergic. Our pediatrician was great about keeping up on the latest research, so when the Monkey was 4 months old, she told us we could feed him any food except peanut butter. The peanut butter caution was actually because of choking, not because of potential for allergies. Now that the Monkey is older, he loves lots of foods, including peanut butter. It's so easy to make, and peanuts are very cheap at the farmers market and Trader Joes! We keep them on hand for snacks and days where peanut butter would just hit the spot!

Easy Homemade Peanut Butter

In a small food processor, combine 1/4 cup of peanuts, a couple pinches of salt, a half teaspoon of honey, and a drizzle of your choice of oil. Start with just a little oil, and as the peanuts grind up, check to see if they are too dry. It doesn't take much to make perfect peanut butter!

We ate our peanut butter with apples!

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