Saturday, March 29, 2014

Making the Cut Day 2

I feel that the first two days of Making the Cut have been successful.  After two workout sessions I can tell a big difference in my strength and endurance this go around. The last time I did this was five years ago, and I've come a long way! I've  heard/read your thirties are actually a time where you can see some peak performance, so I'm taking advantage of it!

Today's lunch salad was so delicious. The original recipe was Artichoke, Fennel, and Tomato Salad but fennel is not my favorite. So I subbed baby bok choy and it made the best base for this huge salad!  We would totally make this again. I also had two ounces of chicken with it, and the meal was quite satisfying. 

So here is the {improved} Artichoke, Bok Choy, and Tomato Salad!

We've also had Morrocan chicken and wild rice, along with delicious turkey wraps for yesterday's lunch. 

I really like trying the new recipes but already plan to scale back on the types of meat we have next week in hopes of lowering our grocery bill! I will let you know how that goes!

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