Monday, March 31, 2014

Making the Cut Day 4

Yesterday was tough in terms of following the meal plan. I did it (yea!) but felt really hungry and couldn't seem to think straight. Thankfully Day 3 is built to be a rest day - I definitely rested! I remember when I did my juice Reboot several years ago that once I got beyond 3 days, I was fine. Sure enough, I'm feeling alert and happy today on Day 4! My workout was great. In circuit 3 you complete 20 frog push-ups. On Friday I had to break it down into sets of 4 or 5. Today I did 10 before a little break, then 5 and 5!  Feeling stronger today is really motivating. I can even see some muscle definition in my arms. 

In other news, I received my first paycheck as a part time employee at Chap's business! I'm working for him while the Monkey is at morning preschool  three days a week. I learned a lot today and got my email set up! I also tried to give myself a raise, but that might have been a little too ambitious for the first pay period. I will try again next month! Haha

I'm so hopeful that nice weather is here to stay! I'd love to take part of my workout outdoors - especially when I need to do my 5 1-minute sprints! Even an open floor plan is not conducive to those!

Have a great sunny week!

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