Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wishing-for-Spring Salad

I'm done with the cold weather!  We were so spoiled with a mild winter last year, and this winter seems to be the exact opposite!  Hey, I live in the south for a reason and that reason is warm seasons most of the year!

I made a salad for lunch that reminds me of spring.  The boiled eggs make me think of a warm Easter afternoon.  Mmmmmm....

Wishing-for-Spring Salad
Boil eggs.  I bring my eggs to a boil and then cover and turn the heat off.  Today I left them on the burner for about 15 minutes then moved them to sit for another 5 minutes.  I used a slotted spoon to fish them out and dunked them {gently} into ice water.  They sat there for another 5 minutes and were ready to peel!  I liked the consistency of the yolk much better today than I did last time.

Place about 2 cups of greens on your plate (again, I'm really into this baby kale mix).  Top with sliced grape tomatoes, avocado, shelled edamame, and sliced boiled eggs.  Dress with olive oil, lemon, salt, and pepper!

Here's hoping for warmer weather soon!

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