Saturday, February 1, 2014

One Month Workout Check In!

This month has been busy with working out and eating clean, healthy, budget-friendly meals!  I've been tracking each workout on a calendar to keep up with miles and workouts.  On Sunday, the Tone It Up girls send out a weekly schedule.  I write it in on the calendar and snap a pic to send to my sisters.  They are doing the workout plan too, and we keep up an awesome group text chat about our successes!  I love it and adore connecting with my awesome sisters.

Now for the {gulp} check in photos.  I didn't post my before pictures, because WOW, it's tough to put yourself out there like that!  I'm definitely seeing some progress after only one month!!!!

Front View:


After 1 Month:

Side View:


After 1 Month:

 Back View:


After 1 Month:


After 1 Month:

Progress is happening!  I'm most amazed at my booty and hamstrings.  I thought my running already made them as good as they could get, but I see I was wrong!  I'll admit, tighter abs are nice too...

I can't wait to take my Valentine's Day pictures!  I might even break out the teeny bikini!  Woohoo!

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