Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Best Burger Side

We had burgers for dinner tonight because my grandparents sent us an Omaha Steak package for Christmas. We are set on meat for awhile, which REALLY saves on our weekly food budget. While we don't eat it every night, meat can be a healthy addition to your weekly menu. We stick to 3-4 oz portions (1-2 for the Monkey), and pair with lots of interesting sides and additions. 
Tonight, because I've been wanting take-out style burgers and fries, I bought three different potatoes at the Fresh Market to make oven fries. I purchased a russet, orange sweet, and PURPLE sweet potato! I peeled and sliced the potatoes, mixed them with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and popped them in a 375* oven for 20ish minutes. They were delicious and definitely a lot healthier than restaurant fries!
Chap was super healthy and added a salad to his meal. I'm set to eat green vegetables tomorrow! I'm not counting the five pieces of baby lettuce on my burger...
I do love a good burger and fries!

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