Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Interesting Oatmeal Alternative

I'm definitely a carb kind of girl. Left to my own devices, I might eat all carbs at every meal, all day. Sooooo... I have to be very aware of my protein intake each day. Oatmeal, my go to breakfast, does have a little protein in it, but it doesn't contain all the amino acids your body needs. 

So as an alternative, I'm eating quinoa for breakfast today. The farmers market only had red quinoa, which I will say was a little different but interesting. We put apple slices in it and it tasted pretty good! I love regular quinoa, so once we run out of the red I plan to buy regular again!  It's easy to cook so that's a plus!

I don't think it's neccessary to eat the quinoa every morning, but I like having an alternative!

(Tastes better than it looks!)

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