Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What's for Dinner? Week of 1/19

This week our goal was to shop out of our pantry and supplement with fresh foods.  We also took advantage of the 2 for $12 rotisserie chickens at Fresh Market on Saturday.  I'm determining whether that is actually a good deal, or if I should buy whole chickens and roast them myself.  I'll keep you updated!

Here are the meals we are making this week!

Red Lentil Curry
Winter Chili (left from last week)
Enchiladas with Pumpkin Sauce
Pasta with Lentils and Arugula
Chickpea Barley Soup - no link because this is my creation!

We have tickets to a comedy show on Friday night, and the Monkey and I will eat at my parents' house while Chap is out of town on Wednesday!

I already made the chickpea barley soup in the crockpot last night.  It turned out to be quite delicious!  So delicious I forgot to take a final picture.  Whoops!

I will share the recipe though in hopes you will think it sounds a lot like chicken noodle soup.  Because it was, minus noodles!

Chickpea Barley Soup
By: Miss Fit

1 cup dried chickpeas
1/2 cup dried barley
4 cups chicken broth
3 carrots
1 bunch parsley, rough chopped
1/2 rotisserie chicken, shredded (or about 1 1/2 c chicken)
Onion powder
Garlic powder

1. Combine chickpeas, barley, chicken broth, and carrots in the crockpot.  Add about a tablespoon each of the onion and garlic powder, salt and pepper to taste.  Stir.  Cook on High for 4 hours, Low for 6 hours.
2.  About 30 minutes before eating, add the parsley and chicken.  Allow it to warm up on High in the crockpot.  Add more salt and pepper if needed.

...And that's it!  The soup was very comforting, just like chicken noodle soup.  Next time I will experiment with the length of time to see if it can all go in at once.  I intended for this to be a vegetarian soup, but the chicken broth at the farmer's market was 50 cents cheaper than vegetable broth, so I figured adding chicken (that we already had) would stretch it further!

We only spent $45 at the farmer's market on these ingredients plus extra juicing/smoothie fruits and vegetables, and of course a bar of chocolate for the week!  I still need tortillas, orecchiette, and eggs, so I anticipate spending about $5 on those items at Publix.  Not a bad week for $50!

I notice that we go through olive oil, salt, and pepper much more quickly when we eat at home a lot.  Thankfully the prices are so reasonable at the farmer's market that it's still MUCH cheaper to eat home rather than out!  I bought a large container of sea salt for 85 cents.  I think we can handle that.

Happy eating and budgeting this week!

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